How well is your ADHD being managed?

ADHD Take5

Sometimes we might think our ADHD is managed better than it really is. We simply get used to behaviours and accept them as normal. But better
can be possible.

ADHD Take5 is a short 5-question test that you can complete to answer questions about how your ADHD is being managed. The answers to these questions can be discussed with your healthcare professional.

Take the Quiz

Do you/does your child struggle to make it to work/school on time?

Do you find your/your child’s ADHD gets worse in the evening?

Do you/does your child have difficulty with relationships
at home and/or with friends?

Do you/does your child struggle with evening tasks and chores? (i.e., homework, paying bills, doing dishes, laundry, getting ready for bed)

Do you/does your child struggle with
self-control/self-regulation in the evenings? (i.e., easily frustrated, losing temper, online shopping, gambling, substance use)

Please answer all of the questions. See Results

You Answered “1” : X-time(s)

You Answered “2” : X-time(s)

You Answered “3” : X-time(s)

If most answers were 2 and 3, it might be time to take a closer look at how your ADHD might be better managed.

Talk to your doctor today about
your treatment options.
